Friday, December 21, 2007

Does Carrot Oil Pomade Work

Finally ... back!

A big hello to all: D *

First, I must thank all comments cuddly that throughout these tables, that I've been away from the world of Blog, I received. After only have to apologize for the lack news, but everything has a reason. I've been super aterefada with the changes and try to recover the field late .. study for exams .. Finally, a lot of things. But now I'm a VACATION and that wonderful word: D

From now on, I'll try to repay all the loving comments, it being here a general thanks to all brand without exception, especially my dear godparents (:
I publish my swap done with the baby, Carmen's blog Box Craft already done much to the little gifts I received from dear friends of the blog The Fairy Flower , my dear godmother Claudia's blog Gata Crafts black, and baby Ruth's blog New Biju, who sent me beautiful things beautiful: D. I have yet to send some little gifts also pledged to make some swaps also have very clear and promised to make new posts, and display the new collection. that after a little while I will still come up with a new novelty (:... will prowl ...

Ahh, boy Ed, do not worry about that from now on (at least in the period of holidays) will update this ... * hihi

A big kiss and now have happy holidays to all: D *