Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Avoid Frequent Erections

We have a state?

fact that the Russians napluli in our face is not surprising. What do you expect from a country ruled by an oligarchy, and former KGB officers, which does not respect the human rights, murders of journalists, businessmen uncomfortable relationship.

but I can not understand what they did today, Donald Tusk and Bronislaw Komorowski. During a speech the prime minister, when referring to "report" MAK, I felt like he sells us with every word. Minute by minute. It is a sad day for the Polish. Our leaders are people small, and constantly Positioning Poland in the role of the petitioner "great Russia." Too bad words. Today I have lost all respect for the democratic government of the Republic.

crowd the mouth of a stronger words. This, however, confine it.

Szymanski The colleague, I would recommend a film about the Smolensk disaster: "The Fog".


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