Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get Well Things To Say

Frappato red wine from Sicily

Sicily What is common with Georgia
  1. Azienda Agricola COS, Frappato, 2008, an appeal: Sicilia IGT, strain : Frappato, Italy;
    IndicazioneGeografica Tipica (IGT) is a class of appeals, which in terms of quality Italian classification only wyprzedzawe Vine de Tavola, a wine bezrasowca.Na Sicily IGT, however, deserves more confidence than in many other włoskichregionach. This is, inter alia, due to the nature tamtejszegoprzemysłu wine. Most manufacturers are great spółdzielnieprodukcyjne to buy grapes from different parts of the island. It would not be at much narrower tomożliwe geographically appeals DOC and DOCG;
  2. Appearance: Bottle is much lower and more pot-bellied, even in comparison to Burgundy. This makes a pleasant impression, though nalewało the wine straight from the barrel. The same wine has a ruby \u200b\u200bred color, which sometimes darker blink reflex;
  3. Nose: chokeberry, elderberry, and some strawberries. But to see this, you have to leave the wine for about a minute in the glass, as that immediately after his release from the bottle revealed to be less precious odors
  4. Taste: chokeberry juice on alcohol (especially here, this is flexing, as only 12, 5%). Me, this wine is associated with home gimmicks, which is drunk in the cold, and then falls deeply under the covers. Medium tannins and high acidity, which, thanks to intense fruitiness is here, as most on the spot. In addition, this wine really heats up. Do not be surprised if one day they started selling them in pharmacies. Besides, pot-bellied "syrup" is already a bottle;
  5. Price: 82 PLN. Very nice fruitiness, which bravely supporting the remaining elements of the wine-making skills, such as acidity, alcohol, tannin (though those in the slightest). All this makes a good impression, and for lovers of the chokeberry, even "a must-drink."
Azienda Agricola COS Frappato przypominami style Georgian wines Saperavi strain. They have a unique style so that a more conservative częśćwiniarskiego world does not appreciate them, or simply to continue their intense flavor uczy.Charakterystyczny chokeberry, the smell of violets, elderberry is tecechy which necessarily with them combine. They do not fit as long as the appointees wciasnych style of cabernet sauvignon or pinot noir.Wygląda style, however, that in expanding the horizons of the wine wines gruzińskimprzybył an ally. Sicilian, the grateful Frappato behalf.


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