Sunday, February 13, 2011

Home Remedy Sakuraiba

Monbazillac sweet wine from Bordeaux back

cheaper version of Sauternes
  1. Domaine du Haut Montlong, Monbazillac Cuvée Tradition, 2007, an appeal: Monbazillac AC strain: Semillon, Monbazillac is a small village in the immediate vicinity Bordeaux, France.
    As I have already mentioned Bordeaux is worth noting that the volume of appeals in this region, an even greater extent than is the case elsewhere, is inversely proportional to the quality of wine. Appellation Bordeaux or Bordeaux Supérieur even narrower your wine should make further vigilance;
  2. Color: Gold, a palette of colors, encyclopaedic. Wine glass on the walls creates a distinctive tinge. Oh sweet will;
  3. Nose: The wine chilled to 9 degrees C, the temperature recommended for white sweet wines, the nose is practically no. But I gave Monbazillac time and left it for about half an hour at room temperature (mine is from 1920 to 1921 º C, the clarification because I know that for some of the room temperature is 28 º C!). It helped, the wine definitely has opened up. At first glance, a pinch of sage, mint. Then mirabelle alternating with white flowers;
  4. Taste: pleasantly sweet spreads on the palate, not neglecting even the smallest part of it. In addition mirabelles and floral finish, however, it is difficult to discern anything else. The acidity balances the sweetness of the greatest difficulty, giving the impression that Monbazillac has a light, but still, being overweight. He lacks a bit of freshness and airiness;
  5. Price: 16.45 Euro for 0.75 liter bottle . Supposed to be cheaper than Sauternes, and is. However, the Domaine du Haut Montlong Monbazillac is like a skeleton of Sauternes. There are many elements of Sauternes but certainly not all. Despite the slimmed version of the more famous neighbor, does not disappoint. I recommend anyone who wants to try the sweet white wine made from grapes affected by noble rot, and do not necessarily have the desire to spend more than PLN 100 per bottle.
Dessert wine, as its name suggests, the best work with dessert. Let no surprise to you but when the dessert and sweet wine, everyone will start to yawn. Given such a rapid increase in sugar level no body will not remain indifferent. So I advise you to leave the most interesting conversation topics at the end of dinner.
But after dessert, do not always have be sweet. Sweet wine is at least as well suited for the salty cheese mold, as for cakes and fruit. And I do not have to be at once the French Roquefort, Italian Gorgonzola or Stilton English. I recommend the Polish Rokpol Monbazillac instead Roquefort Château d'Yquem for.


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