Monday, February 28, 2011

What Happens At A Gay Bathhouse

questions ws. surface condition of Pope John Paul II Avenue Bike

Dear Mr. President,
state's main thoroughfare Jelenia Gora - Avenue of John Paul II after the winter season is deplorable. The entire length of the street from the mall to the street Castorama. III of the Constitution of May there are holes in the ground, threatening not only damage to vehicles, but also safety. Many drivers wishing to bypass the defects in the roadway carries the risk of violent maneuvers increasing road accidents.

This situation has been going on about 2 months. Given that it is the main artery of Jelenia Gora - it's hard to resist the impression that in our city badly do these units of the Office Cities that are responsible for ongoing monitoring of the Jelenia Góra roads.

I move to repair the roads during the boulevard and to analyze, audit - who and how to monitor continuously the state of Jelenia Góra roads.


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