Monday, March 7, 2011

Dallas Restaurant Cut Tie

questions ws. logging in Jelenia Gora

Photo: Sten Pors

Dear Mr
recently turned to my penny Street residents concerned about the felling of trees in their neighborhood. There are no consultations preceded it, despite the fact that the removed trees located on the property belonging to their residential community. Residents also claim that felled trees were healthy and did not endanger the safety of people and surrounding buildings.

This situation provokes a question of how we approach the authorities of Jelenia Gora to be felled trees throughout the city. Local media has repeatedly described the fact situations in which the outrage toward the community and their opinion without much justification, municipal services wycinaƂy beautiful, inscribed in the landscape sho icy trees on Mount Kosciuszko, in Teplice, or on the street Word ckiego. It is difficult not to get the impression it is done in a haphazard manner, without a consistent and considered approach to the problem of authority.

described in connection with the situation without undermining the need to remove trees that threaten the safety of patients and, Mr. President, please reply the following questions:

- whether last week's stretch penny on the street trees had been held with the knowledge of the city authorities?
- whether it was in compliance with the law?
- what is the policy of the city in terms of stretch trees in Jelenia Gora?

Oliver Kubicki


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